Aphria Inc.


The Challenge

To develop a social impact platform that positions Aphria Inc. as a leader in the cannabis industry, setting them apart from their competition and providing new touch points for their consumers.


The Approach

We developed a social impact strategy that strengthened their core values and tapped into a key consumer movement focused on the benefits of plants. The platform, ​Plant Positivity, focused on providing communities and individuals with increased access to plants and education on the role plants can play in improving everyday well-being.


The Impact

As part of ​Plant Positivity’s launch in July of 2019, we developed a partnership with Evergreen, building six gardens with over 2,000 plants and activating meaningful educational and volunteer/employee engagement programs to increase access and education surrounding the importance of plants for our well-being.

The Partners

Derek Shapton/Westside Studios

King Ursa

Vapor Music



Media Coverage


Investing News​

Daily Marijuana Observer

MJ News

Business Insider

Marijuana Stocks

PR Newswire

Yahoo Finance

Vita Daily

​New Karala

​Strategy Online


  • Strategy


  • Client

