‘Hanks for Distancing
The Challenge
COVID was ramping up and, with it, social-distancing fatigue. And with more and more people lining up for their morning coffee or a bottle of wine, we needed to create a novel, yet friendly way to remind people of their civic duty to keep a safe distance (6 ft. apart).
The Approach
Recalling that Tom Hanks was one of the first-known celebrities to contract the coronavirus, we created adhesive Tom Hanks floor decals that were 6 ft. long (or one Hanks-length). The message underneath: ‘Hanks for distancing’.
It was cheeky, simple and unique.
We partnered with the LCBO to put the decals at line ups in and around several of their stores.
The Impact
A woman battling stage 3 cancer wrote to us to get a decal for her driveway to remind her neighbours to keep their distance. Several independent shops in Toronto requested them, as a light way to (safely) connect with their customers. Media outlets, left, right and centre covered the guerrilla activation, from Global News, to CTV to BlogTO and even People Magazine!
One article observing how the public health sector can use creative solutions to reach mass audiences featured our campaign.
People shared, commented and had a nice laugh when they saw the work, while reminding them to stay healthier and safer in the process.